Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oooo ... a new MoodSwing ......

Yea .... we had a major MoodSwing and rebuilt the entire store lol. There's a simple shot of it, but to really see it, you gotta come in! ...... Here's a rundown of the changes ....
We've now expanded to 3 floors, Ladies clothing is on the main floor, Jewelry is now in the right wing, and the gift vendors and hangout area are now in the left wing (until we replace it with something really cool lol. Second floor has the guys fashion on one half, and Boots, Hats, body piercings, and more on the other half. 3rd floor is now all Furniture. (still arranging that, so excuse the mess lol). We've gotten rid of the campers, so no more bots standing around all the time ...... yes .... it was annoying us too lol. We have added a Midnight Madness board, so you have a chance to win one of our items for free, just by showing up and clicking a board ..... how easy is that?! We are in the process also of updating our lucky chairs, and will be putting new and exciting items in those for more chances for some great free stuff. Come hang out, shop, win some stuff, share the MoodSwing with a friend, and have some fun!
Here's the SLURL -